



Geography is thought to be the subject of the future as it delves into many of the global environmental issues that we as a planet face, including water security and climate change

All Students who undertake Geography at GCSE are required to attend two compulsory days of fieldwork which will contribute towards 40% of their final grade.Ìý


are covered within the L4L curriculum.

Year 7 L4L Themes:

  • Citizen Me
  • Journey to the Centre of the Earth
  • Journeys
  • GrowingÌý
  • Water

are covered within the L4L curriculum.

Year 8 L4L Themes:

  • Grand Designs
  • India
  • Coasts
  • Coming and Going

are covered within the L4L curriculum.

Year 9 L4L Themes:

  • Made In China
  • America
  • Whose Earth Is It Anyway?

OCR A GCSE content:

  • People of the UKÌý
  • Landscapes of the UKÌý
  • UK Environmental ChallengesÌý
  • Geographical SkillsÌý
  • FieldworkÌý

OCR A GCSE content:

  • Ecosystems of the PlanetÌý
  • People of the PlanetÌý
  • Environmental Threats to the PlanetÌý
  • Geographical SkillsÌý
  • FieldworkÌý



  • Employers want people with good communication skills, Geography includes a wide range of projects, reports and presentations
  • Employers want people who can work in a team, fieldwork is an essential part of Geography and allows you to develop team and leadership skills
  • Employers want people who can ask questions and then find the answers, geographers can undertake complex decision making exercises using information at a variety of scales
  • Employers want people who are computer literate, geographers use ICT in many aspects of their work, including for data collection, through the internet and analysing spreadsheets

Many Geographers end up in working in industries such as:

  • Law
  • Social Work
  • Estate Agencies
  • Tourism
  • Environmental Agencies
  • Civil Engineering
  • International Aid Work
  • Accountancy
  • International Development
  • Politics and Local Government

Did you know?
Geography is the second most employable degree in the UK!


Students will sit three written examinations at the end of the two year course:

Paper 1 – Living in the UK today – 30% of GCSE

Paper 2 – The World Around Us – 30% of GCSE

Paper 3 – Geographical Skills – 40% of GCSE


The ability to view issues from a wider perspective is important when studying Geography. Students need to recognise how the world is very complex, and how different people can be affected by one event in many different ways. The ability to consider a range of different viewpoints is also important. The course requires students to be able to communicate their findings in writing, as well as demonstrate the ability to explain their views and write convincing arguments to support them.

Students will develop a wide range of skills in their GCSE Geography studies, including:

  • Technological skills, including ICT and GIS
  • Interpersonal skills through debate and discussion
  • Literacy and numeracy problem solving skills
  • Entrepreneurial skills and awareness of career possibilities
  • Provide a sound foundation for those candidates who intend to continue to study the subject to a higher level, for example at A Level and/or University Degree Level

Mrs Fenton

Head of Department

I completed a BSc in Geography from the University of Liverpool, and then went on to study a PGCE in Geography. As a physical geographer my favourite aspects of Geography to teach are rivers and coast, and plate tectonics.

Miss Nawaz

Head of Department

I completed a BSc in Geography from University of Birmingham before completing my PGCE at Newman University. I particularly enjoy human geography topics, especially those that feature in current events, such as global migration and development.